
Hafiz Mustafa Mastic Coffee 170 gms

Original price was: $40.95.Current price is: $37.95.

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  • The ground beans are packaged in boxes that preserve their purity, after being blended with mastic; they are now ready to be brewed using a cezve(jazwa), Turkish coffee pot.
  • The mastic is an aromatic gum or resin exuded from the bark of a Mediterranean tree, used in making and chewing gum and as a flavoring. While it may be less known to many, the mastic flavor is the most common among Turkish coffee drinkers in Anatolia.
  • Exquisite taste and smell. Turkish coffee operates with the focus on quality, aiming to bring back and preserve the authentic ritual of Turkish coffee drinking. Turkish coffee has a wonderful, rich full-bodied flavor.
  • The mill at the factory can cut a single Brazilian coffee bean into 35 thousand pieces. This is what makes it great and better than coffee from any other hand or machine coffee grinder.
  • Compared to Robusta beans, they have a stronger flavor, and less acidity. The coffee comes in an elegant tin box which makes it a perfect gift